ELISHEBA BLOGLaura, Ivonne, and Rick share their experiences and reflections on living a life centered on the Eucharist.
ELISHEBA BLOGLaura, Ivonne, and Rick share their experiences and reflections on living a life centered on the Eucharist.
By: Laura Worhacz Week 3 theme: "MARY! TEACH US THE LAW OF LOVE!"
READING -EIGHTEENTH DAY- Consecration to Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament St. Peter Julian Eymard, Library Vol. 7 Pages 104-107 (Or pages 109-111 on the online book. You can find the link here:) http://archive.org/stream/monthofourladyof00eymauoft#page/109/mode/1up St Peter Julian Eymard's words: Chapter title: Our Lady of the Cenacle Let us follow our Mother to the Cenacle and listen to the lessons that she there teaches us, lessons that she has received from her Divine Son, with whom she conversed day and night. She is the faithful echo of His heart and of His love..... Place yourself under Mary's direction; think her thoughts, speak her words of love, imitate her manners, perform her actions, share her sufferings, and all in her will speak to you of Jesus, of His highest service, of God's greatest glory. ...In the cenacle this august Queen kneels as adoratrix and servant of the Most Blessed Sacrament: kneel at your Mother's side and pray with her, and in so doing , you will continue her Eucharistic life on earth. When you receive Holy Communion, clothe yourself with the virtues and merits of Mary, your Mother, and you will thus communicate with her faith and with her devotion. ... When you labor to promote the Eucharistic reign of our Lord, unite yourself with Mary's intention and with her joy when she worked for Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, and you will be happy! ... Be humble as Mary-entirely lost in her own nothingness, entirely abandoned to God's grace. Be sweet as Mary. She was the embodiment of the sweetness of the Heart of Jesus. Be devoted as Mary. Mary loved to the extent of Calvary-she loved even unto death. It was on Calvary that she became the Mother of love. There only will you become a true adorer, worthy of the cenacle, worthy of Jesus and Mary. (abbr. text) MEDITATION "She is the faithful echo of His heart and of His love." St. Peter Julian reminds us to be the echo of God's Love in the world. We carry out this voice by imitating the manners of our Mother. Mary teaches us day by day the lessons of the law of love at the Altar. We then will have the presence of God within and be clothed in the virtues of her love. This presence can only manifest itself through communicating our own hearts and souls with Jesus, promoting the Eucharistic reign from our entire beings to all whom we encounter. This will be happiness. Mary is the embodiment of Jesus who cries out, "My soul doth magnify the Lord; my spirit exalts in God my Savior" (Luke 1:46). Mary is made to be the law of love. She stands in the statutes of God's love as a witness for us to emulate. We then approach and adorn the altar by our love offering to Jesus. We become an echo of God. St. Peter Julian continues, "she became the Mother of love." What a prominent title for this humble, handmaid of the Lord. Mary is the Mother of the Cenacle, Mother of love, Mother of God. The Cenacle is where Mary will bring us to become love. It is only at the Cenacle of the Altar where the cenacle of our hearts can meet Divine Love. A true adorer must be nourished here; there is no other place where will the grace of God is found greater. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is the highest form of prayer where Jesus longs to pour forth His gifts to us through receiving Holy Communion. In the hope that this constant encounter with Him will bring us outside of ourselves into the life of God, Mary guides us to Communion where the law of love is to be found. This grace should mold our charity into thanksgiving; thanksgiving to be shared. We affirm one another in the love that has been given to us. We then echo it to all, "Let the word of Christ dwell in you abundantly, in all wisdom: teaching and admonishing one another in psalms, hymns, and spiritual canticles, singing in grace in your hearts to God" (Col: 3:16). Mother of Love let the infinite love of Christ pour forth from us unto all of your children. "Tomorrow will be too late, God calls me now." St. Peter Julian proclaimed these words in his own life. They are words to live by that grant us hope in doing the will of God. A grateful heart will try over and over again to keep sacred the present moment. This moment may be its last moment on earth, so our Eucharistic King grants us the grace of living here and now in His law of love. Tomorrow may be too late so we do now what we would do if it were our last moment, follow our Mother to the Cenacle. Bringing this home may simply be for us to cast our attention on every person in our lives, being grateful for them, living as if you would never see them again, loving as you will never have the chance to love them again. The cenacle can bring you home to the will of God right where you are in the present moment of your life, right where you live, right where you can make a difference in the Eucharistic Kingdom. The Altar of the Lord with Mary at our side will make us God's delight, a dwelling place for thee. Mary, teach us the law of love -Laura SEND Make a perpetual promise to recite a spiritual communion prayer if you cannot get to daily Mass. The faith you place in the prayer is the grace you will receive from it. Continue to journal and prepare for a good and humble confession. Try to find time to spend with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Pray for someone right in your midst that may need prayer and God's love from you. PRAYER For Week III to accompany the daily readings, please pray through Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament, Blessed are you, Mary exalted daughter of Sion!.... You may choose to continue the Ave Maris Stella and Veni Creator throughout the preparation weeks. Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Blessed are you, Mary exalted daughter of Sion! You are highly favoured and full of grace, for the spirit of God descended upon you. We magnify the Lord and rejoice with you for the gift of the Word made flesh, bread of life and cup of joy. Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament, our model of prayer in the cenacle, pray for us that we may become what we receive, the body of Christ your son. Amen Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament, pray for us. Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament, have mercy on us.
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AuthorsWe are Ivonne J. Hernandez, Rick Hernandez and Laura Worhacz, Lay Associates of the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament, and brothers and sisters in Christ. |