ELISHEBA BLOGLaura, Ivonne, and Rick share their experiences and reflections on living a life centered on the Eucharist.
ELISHEBA BLOGLaura, Ivonne, and Rick share their experiences and reflections on living a life centered on the Eucharist.
Week 3 theme: "MARY! TEACH US THE LAW OF LOVE!" READING -NINETEENTH DAY- Consecration to Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament St. Peter Julian Eymard, Library Vol. 7 Pages 108-113 (Or pages 112-117 on the online book. You can find the link here:) http://archive.org/stream/monthofourladyof00eymauoft#page/112/mode/1up St Peter Julian Eymard's words: Chapter title: LIFE OF ADORATION IN UNION WITH MARY In considering attentively the reasons that induced our Lord to leave us His Blessed Mother and so separate Himself from her, it seems to me that He did so because He was distrustful of our weakness and inconstancy....He left us His Mother, whose mission it should be to take us by the hand and lead us to His Tabernacle. The Blessed Virgin, then, became our Mother , in view of the Eucharist. To her is entrusted the task of showing us how to find our Bread of Life,... ...she gathered about her a community of pious women at Jerusalem; she dwelt with them, sharing with her treasure of grace and love. ...causing us to take part in her pious devotion to His service-for all that a Mother possesses belongs to her children. Mary being our Mother, then will educate us. ...The child instinctively goes first to its mother. ...Our Lord, then, has give us Mary for our Mother,... To be pleasing to our Lord, all vocations must pass through Mary's hands. ... The mother is the center-she is always the center-we need to dwell always with her, for we need her at all times. ...She obtains for us every grace;... ...adore our Lord in the company of His Blessed Mother. I do not say abide in Mary. No. Jesus is there before you in order that you may speak to Him direct; but do so with Mary; live in her company. Since our Lord has given her to you as directress, never make your adoration without her. ..."I repeat to Thee her adoration: for sinners; for the conversion of the world; and for all the needs of the Church!" By doing so you will rejoice in Mary's heart. ... Oh! if any one should honor, love and serve Mary, it is he whose profession it is to live for the Eucharist. .... Ah! let the Blessed Virgin, then, govern your life; let her lead you to Jesus! She desires but one thing-the glory of her Divine Son and your happiness! Practice-As much as possible prepare yourself for Holy Communion by assisting at Holy Mass. Aspiration-The Divine Sparrow of the Tabernacle has found in thee His nest, O Blessed Virgin and He lovingly dwells therein. MEDITATION "To her is entrusted the task of showing us how to find our Bread of Life,...she gathered about her a community of pious women at Jerusalem; she dwelt with them, sharing with her treasure of grace and love." St. Peter Julian followed the law of her love in founding the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament. He lived his life of Adoration in union with Mary. She was St.Peter Julian's directress to the community life. The Congregation, or any order within the Catholic Church, draws you into community life. This is a great gift for those who desire to be part of a family. If the mother governs the family the children need to be guided by her to the future of the families life. We pray with Mary, in union with Mary, through Mary to her Son. He will lead the way to salvation. "Enter ye in at the narrow gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction, and many there are who go in thereat." (Matthew 7:13) Being led by the hand and heart of Mary is a great comfort to the soul that will free us from all worries. Mary will direct us to The Father who has prepared all things for us perfectly. Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament will guide us in the way to the law of God's love, His Promise and His life that will dwell within us. Individualism is attractive to the humanity we live in. St. Peter Julian reminds us that Jesus knew "He was distrustful of our weakness and inconstancy." God knows we need a Mother. We are offered the gift to do all things in and through Mary. We most especially go with Mary into our prayer time; we adore Jesus with her in the Blessed Sacrament. She leads us in the way to find trust, to overcome our weakness. She will help us raise our souls to the dignity of life. Going to Jesus alone keeps us in the state of individualism. Mary draws us into community life. The community life draws us into the family of God, which was the intent from our Heavenly Father from all eternity. "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters." (Gen:1) We need not worry about the concupiscence of our human weakness. Mary will teach us the law of love. Darkness is over our surface and the depths of us too when we are alone. With the spirit of God hovering over us from our Baptism, we are drawn into the life of God as His adopted sons and daughters with our Mother at our side. The law of love that leads all into community life as Eucharistic adorers of the Blessed Sacrament, by the hand of Mary, will help us find a place in this family of God. "Let the Blessed Virgin, then, govern your life; let her lead you to Jesus! She desires but one thing-the glory of her Divine Son and your happiness!". Our happiness is found in making a return to Jesus for His life giving love for us. We find our place to serve in our communities. With different gifts and talents brought together we become whole in the goodness of God. "And God indeed hath set some in the church; first apostles, secondly prophets, thirdly doctors; after that miracles; then the graces of healing, helps, governments, kinds of tongues, interpretations of speeches." (1Cor: 12:28) St. Peter Julian continues, "I repeat to Thee her adoration." St. Peter Julian is telling us that he is repeating to Jesus Our Blessed Mother's adoration. Mary's adoration is to pray for "for sinners; for the conversion of the world; and for all the needs of the Church! "By doing so you will rejoice in Mary's heart." Praying with Mary to Our Divine Savior will bring each of us into the fullness of community life. She will help us find our place where the need is greatest and where our gifts will be manifested most. Mary's intentions will become our intentions, her needs for the church will become our needs for the church, the salvation of all will become our duty in union with her. Our Life of Adoration in merging with Mary to serve our Eucharistic Lord Jesus Christ will be a great profit of our love for Him. It is Jesus who takes away the sins of the world and continues to have Mercy on us and grant us His PEACE! Our happiness will be found in our love for Jesus, in offering our daily duties to Jesus through Mary, fulfilling our state in life, and finding our place to serve with Mary in God's Holy Mother Church. Mary! Teach us the Law of Love! -Laura SEND Make a perpetual promise to recite a spiritual communion prayer if you cannot get to daily Mass, the faith you place into the prayer is the grace you will receive from it. Continue to journal and prepare for a good and humble confession. Try to find time to spend with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Pray though Our Lady to Jesus before the Blessed Sacrament to help you find your place of service in our Catholic Church. For Week III to accompany the daily readings please pray through Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament, Blessed are you, Mary exalted daughter of Sion!.... You may choose to continue the Ave Maris Stella and Veni Creator throughout the preparation weeks. PRAYER Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Blessed are you, Mary exalted daughter of Sion! You are highly favoured and full of grace, for the spirit of God descended upon you. We magnify the Lord and rejoice with you for the gift of the Word made flesh, bread of life and cup of joy. Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament, our model of prayer in the cenacle, pray for us that we may become what we receive, the body of Christ your son. Amen Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament, pray for us. Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament, have mercy on us.
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AuthorsWe are Ivonne J. Hernandez, Rick Hernandez and Laura Worhacz, Lay Associates of the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament, and brothers and sisters in Christ. |